ASF Partners - Automobile Safety Foundation

ASF Partners

Automobile Safety Foundation Credit Card

On the road we all Copilot

The Automobile Safety Foundation, a leader and automobile safety research and development since 1988,  offers international life-saving information at and a Google Grantspro Grant to help communicate this urgent safety news globally.

ASF seeks partners and interns for the new international safety campaign, World Safety Drive

Those with marketing, fundraising, technical, and or, business development skills, can apply these skills and help save lives!

Work from your location and make your own hours as an independent contractor!

College permitting, ASF offers course credits, as well as an award of 10 per cent of funds raised, from completed assignments, and these awards can be applied to tuitions or scholarships.

Those partners choosing to continue working after one a year internship can be appointed a “VP of Development” position, earning what the IRS calls, “a fair executive wage, deemed to be 30 per cent of funds raised.

This work can become a full-time job or part-time work in your city!

After studying and creating a business plan based on your skills for this work, please send your business plan proposal to
Automobile Safety Foundation
4231 Balboa Avenue, Suite 584, San Diego, CA 92117
858 401-6227

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