ASF Donate - Automobile Safety Foundation

Let's Make Driving Safer!

Your donation will help ASF communicate the international life-saving research at worldwide!


IP for Businesses

ASF is unique in the NPO sector, earning a donation with valuable IP that benefits businesses.



Safe Call

Modernize your Business Telecom




Eyes on the Road - Hands on the Wheel

World #1 Jingle

Music publishing synchronization rights for film, TV, and radio.



DMV Licensing Opportunities

Modernize driver licensing and education.




Copilot Club

Passenger Driving Safety Alert

Join for free by sending to others.
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Education and Training Videos

ASF offers unique driving safety insights

Check out videos




ASF Global Research and Communications Center

Your donation will help ASF obtain and fund the new Global Research and Communications Center, GRCC, and fund the WSD, World Safety Drive. Together we can make a difference!



ASF Wares

Order and Donate

Rare Emerald Brooch Award for Donation

ASF is offering this 100 year old brooch award for a donation of $50,000 or more.


Intelligent Driving

On the road we all Copilot

Email a Copilot License and Video to your Kids, Friends, and Employees!
Make a Contribution

You may also send a check payable to:
Automobile Safety Foundation
4231 Balboa Avenue, Suite 584,
San Diego, CA 92117
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Read these important ASF Letters!

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